Do you drag yourself out of bed each morning?

Feeling tired just thinking about the day ahead? Another day of endless to-do's and you seriously wonder whether this is all there is to life?

Your Happiness Coach

- Elizabeth Lee -

Hi, I'm Liz and I've been there before. For years, I felt like my life was an endless grind - eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work. I felt like I was just drifting through life.

Until I stumbled into the world of coaching 8 years ago and have not looked back since.

I found my purpose and that is to help people live their best lives so they wake up happy and fulfilled everyday.

Since then, I've coached many across MNCs, the public sector and small business owners.

My greatest joy is seeing people like you find your passion and purpose for living so you wake up happy and fulfilled. Come journey with me and see what's possible for you!

Are You Just Drifting Through Life?

What is Your "WHY" or Purpose?

Why do some people seem to live the life of their dreams while others struggle to figure out what they’re on this planet for?

Business Entrepreneur

Liz helped me find that much-needed balance in my life to finally live my true passion.

Simple, structured, pragmatic and powerful is how I would describe her approach.

I will always remain grateful to Liz for her commitment and skill in guiding and supporting me on this wonderful journey. Thank you, Liz!

Comms Professional

"I had struggled with my desire to do many things, yet was unable to make progress.

Your coaching inspired me to articulate what was really important to me. I was able to re-evaluate my wish list and find my focus. Thank you very much for being my coach."

Office Manager

"I had quite a few things swirling about in my head about life issues when I first met you.

In the course of your coaching sessions, you've helped me put them in place of importance which brought a year of wandering into a single focused useful path.”

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